State high court assigns liability in liquor cases

• Breaking Legal News updated  2014/02/28 15:29

• Breaking Legal News updated  2014/02/28 15:29
California's high court has ruled that hosts who charge admission to parties may be held legally responsible if a drunken underage guest is hurt or injures someone else.
The state Supreme Court said in the unanimous ruling Monday that a cover charge amounts to a sale of alcohol, and state law creates liability for those who sell alcohol to obviously intoxicated minors.
The case stems from a 2007 party organized by then-20-year-old Jessica Manosa at a rental home owned by her parents. Nineteen-year-old Andrew Ennabe died after being hit outside the home by a car driven by another man who had been asked to leave the gathering.
Ennabe's family sought to hold Manosa liable for his death, through her parents and their homeowners insurance.