Save The Plastic Bag Coalition Sues Los Angeles County
• Legal Business updated  2008/07/18 08:54
• Legal Business updated  2008/07/18 08:54
Los Angeles County's attempt to ban use of plastic bags at points of sale violates environmental law, the Save The Plastic Bag Coalition claims in Superior Court. Plaintiffs claim the "Single Use Reduction and Recycling Program" was enacted illegally, without an environmental impact study. "Paper bags are substantially worse for the environment than plastic bags," the complaint states.
The complaint continues: "If the County would have prepared an EIR report prior to adopting and implementing the program, the Board and the electorate would have known the true facts."
The county wants to reduce use of plastic bags by 35 percent by the end of fiscal year 2009-2010, and by 70 percent by the end of FY 2012-2013. The Coalition says the county misleadingly calls it a "voluntary" program, but claims the right to enforce it.
The Coalition says the county has no power to ban plastic bags until the bags become littler. It demands an injunction. It is represented by Stephen Joseph of Tiburon.